Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm Blogging!

O.K so who doesn't have a blog these days? 

This blog will be devoted to my obsession with Tybee beach cottages.  I have discovered that there are few people that I have met personally, who share my passion for these adorable, quirky homes.  Hoping to find a few others like me to connect with.

About a year ago my downtrodden and dependable husband - Bob and I bought a house on Tybee Island, Georgia.  We had fallen for this unique and relaxed island several years earlier after a fantastic visit which was influenced by an article featured in  Coastal Living.  Our first stay was in the tiniest, most fun little cottage, Surf Puppy.  It was so colorful and clean and filled with everything we could possibly need for the week.  I couldn't get enough of it!  We found it through Mermaid Cottages (although it is currently being rented by another company).  We continued to visit Tybee many, many more times before we were able to actually buy our own place.  It's been a struggle trying to fix this place up and maintain expenses  but we're hanging on, at least for now.  I'll be posting pics of our renovation progress - all done by us (oh how I sometimes wish we could hire someone to do it for us!).
I'll also post pictures of cottages where I find inspiration.  Most of them are renovations done by an amazing designer and fantastic human being - Jane Coslick  of Tybee Island, Ga. 

The exterior.  Not too bad but those shutters need some paint!

709 Lovell Ave, Tybee Island, GA 31328

Custom Cottage Shutter

Here is a before of our kitchen.  Oh my.

709 Lovell Ave, Tybee Island, GA 31328

Inspiration - Jane Coslick Designs 

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